15 Serbian idioms you have to learn

Oh really? You work for peanuts? Oh come on! You have a roof over your head. You want jam on it, do you? 15 new idioms from English into Serbian. 🙂

  1. Bag it! Clam up! Zip it up! – Začepi pljucu!
  2. You’ve been quite a stranger lately. – Nešto vas nema u poslednje vreme.
  3. You want jam on it, do you? – Šta bi još hteo? Hoćeš možda i mušmula?
  4. Your name will be mud! – Naderaćeš k’o žuti! –
  5. You could have fooled me. – Ne bi se reklo.
  6. You and whose army? – Jaka si mi ti marka!
  7. Worth someone’s while. – Isplati se.
  8. Work oneself to death. – Ubijati se od posla.
  9. Work for peanuts. – Raditi za gloginje.
  10. Without fear or favour. – Ni po babu, ni po stričevima.
  11. Without mincing one’s words. – Bez dlake na jeziku.
  12. When it comes to the crunch.. – Kad dođe stani pani..
  13. When all is said and done.. – Na kraju krajeva..
  14. Villain of the piece. – Glavni krivac.
  15. She is up the pole. – Šenula je.